On November 23, Schibsted and the Tinius Trust hosted the yearly internal summit "Power of Journalism". Beyond Experts Simon Matiwos, Filmon Tekle and Kassim Nagwere joined Agnes Stenbom (Head of IN/LAB) on stage for a discussion about how and why to reach new audience groups.

Power of Journalism is Schibsted and the Tinius Trust's shared forum for celebrating excellent journalism and exploring challenges facing our field. This year, IN/LAB's Agnes Stenbom was invited to give a keynote on our work in the lab. After her talk, three of our Beyond Experts joined her on stage to discuss the importance of including diverse voices when exploring possible futures for journalism.

Following a presentation about the ongoing work in Beyond Experts, the Experts highlighted the urgency of listening to critical voices about the media. As phrased by Simon Matiwos:
The risk of turning a blind eye to [current challenges] leads to increased mistrust of one of society's most important apparatus, which in turn could strengthen a narrative that harms our younger people and our areas. Worst case scenario, it dilutes our already polarized society. The ones who benefit the most from a polarized and parallel society are the criminals. [...] They always have jobs ready for those who are sufficiently frustrated and want to turn away from our otherwise open society."

We are eager to share more about our work and work together on meeting the challenges identified. Stay tuned!